About the Club West Conservancy

The Club West Conservancy is a recently formed non-profit organization. We are a group of Club West homeowners who feel passionate about preserving the quality of life of every homeowner in our community. We are actively working to identify long-term sustainable solutions to the current issues facing the Club West Golf course. CWC has provided a legal brief to our HOA Board of Directors highlighting several recent and contemplated actions that are not consistent with Arizonalaw and their obligations to the members of Club West. Our letter provides the Board a list of clearly defined corrective actions.


Our Mission

Conserve the valuable open space of the Foothills Club West community by preventing further residential or commercial development on the Club West Golf Course Property. 


Club West Conservancy will work to accomplish the following:

·      Demand the Club West Homeowners Association Board of Directors retract the October 2018 golf course CC&R amendment and restore consistency with, and subordination to the CC&Rs of the greater Foothills Club West Community.

·      Compel the Club West Homeowners Association Board of Directors to perform a thorough, objective, and data driven assessment of alternate uses of the Club West Golf Course property resulting in minimal overall environmental impact to the community.

·      Exercise our rights established by legal preceden (Swain et al. v. Bixby Golf Course Inc, et al., 2019) requiring the watering and maintenance of the Club West Golf Course by the owner.

·      Generate solutions acceptable to at least a supermajority of Club West HOA Members.  

·      Require the Club West Homeowners Association Board of Directors conduct business openly and transparently; be accountable to the Foothills Club West residents; and limit executive sessions only to those specifically allowed by ARS Sec. 33-1804."


“Redford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.”

— Quote Source